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Nathaniel R. Evans II, M.D.
Delanco, New Jersey

Contact:  Nathaniel R. Evans II, M.D.
609-351-9734 Or Toll Free
Delanco, New Jersey

Contact:  Nathaniel R. Evans II, M.D.
Occupational Medicine Expert Witness, Correctional Healthcare Expert Witness. Excellent ability to effectively and clearly present complex medical information and concepts so as to be easily understood by non-medical audience. Experienced and effective in court testimony. Will review documents for plaintiff or defense (to determine merit of case).

M.D. degree, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Board Certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine, Preventative Medicine (Occupational Medicine) and Addiction Medicine. Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine from 1983 to 2013. Owner and Medical Director of occupational medicine center 1985-2010. Medical Director, Burlington County (New Jersey) Department of Corrections 1986-2007. Currently employed full-time as occupational medicine physician.

Attorney References Available
Corrections,  Health Care,  Internal Medicine,  Jail and Prison,  Occupational Medicine,  Wrongful Death, 

Occupational Medicine Expert Witness, Correctional Healthcare Expert Witness. Excellent ability to effectively and clearly present complex medical information and concepts so as to be easily understood by non-medical audience. Experienced and effective in court testimony. Will review documents for plaintiff or defense (to determine merit of case).

M.D. degree, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Board Certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine, Preventative Medicine (Occupational Medicine) and Addiction Medicine. Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine from 1983 to 2013. Owner and Medical Director of occupational medicine center 1985-2010. Medical Director, Burlington County (New Jersey) Department of Corrections 1986-2007. Currently employed full-time as occupational medicine physician.

Attorney References Available