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Jack Spadaro
Hamlin, West Virginia
P.O. Box 442, 25523

Contact:  Jack Spadaro
304-824-3589 Or Toll Free
P.O. Box 442
Hamlin, West Virginia 25523

Contact:  Jack Spadaro
Cell 304-590-6447
Mine safety & health and environmental specialist Jack Spadaro has a 38 year career safeguarding people from environmental and health and safety hazards related to mining. He continues to serve as an expert witness and consultant in environmental and mine health and safety litigation.
Accident Investigations,  Environmental,  Groundwater Resources and Contamination,  Mining,  Mining Health and Safety,  Safety, 

Cell 304-590-6447
Mine safety & health and environmental specialist Jack Spadaro has a 38 year career safeguarding people from environmental and health and safety hazards related to mining. He continues to serve as an expert witness and consultant in environmental and mine health and safety litigation.