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CompliancePoint, Inc.
Duluth, Georgia
4400 River Green Parkway, Suite 100, 30096

Contact:  Ken Sponsler
770-255-1094 Or Toll Free
4400 River Green Parkway, Suite 100
Duluth, Georgia 30096

Contact:  Ken Sponsler

Ken Sponsler's CV

Mr. Sponsler heads CompliancePoint, Inc. and is an expert in operational compliance matters relating to the TSR, TCPA as well as state telemarketing and DNC laws. Mr. Sponsler's consulting practice is retained by over six dozen firms including several on the fortune 500. Mr. Sponsler's expertise relating to the TCPA includes calls/texts to wireless phones with an ATDS, seller/service provider due diligence and wireless data audit services. Mr. Sponsler has been retained as an expert in numerous TCPA class actions as well as other proceedings.
Cellular, Satellite, and Wireless Technology,  Dialer Technology,  SMS Technologies,  Telecommunications,  Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 

Ken Sponsler's CV

Mr. Sponsler heads CompliancePoint, Inc. and is an expert in operational compliance matters relating to the TSR, TCPA as well as state telemarketing and DNC laws. Mr. Sponsler's consulting practice is retained by over six dozen firms including several on the fortune 500. Mr. Sponsler's expertise relating to the TCPA includes calls/texts to wireless phones with an ATDS, seller/service provider due diligence and wireless data audit services. Mr. Sponsler has been retained as an expert in numerous TCPA class actions as well as other proceedings.

CompliancePoint, Inc. - Darlene Geller-Stoff
Duluth, Georgia
4400 River Green Parkway, Suite 100, 30096

Contact:  Darlene Geller-Stoff

770-255-1225 Or Toll Free
4400 River Green Parkway, Suite 100
Duluth, Georgia 30096

Contact:  Darlene Geller-Stoff


Darlene Geller-Stoff's CV

Darlene is the Vice President of CompliancePoint Litigation Services.

She has more than thirty-years of experience, Darlene is considered one of the Contact Center industry’s most trusted consultants. Before she joined the CompliancePoint Litigation Services team in September 2020, she founded Direct Communication Specialists, LLC in 1990, a practice focused on Contact Center design, operations, and optimization. Darlene’s professional background includes executive positions with The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, Donnelley Marketing, W.H. Brady Corporation, and National Data Corporation.
Consultants,  Dialer Technology,  Expert Witness,  Expert Witness at Trial,  Expert Witness Testimonies,  Litigation Support,  SMS Technologies,  Technical,  Telecommunications,  Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 

Darlene Geller-Stoff's CV

Darlene is the Vice President of CompliancePoint Litigation Services.

She has more than thirty-years of experience, Darlene is considered one of the Contact Center industry’s most trusted consultants. Before she joined the CompliancePoint Litigation Services team in September 2020, she founded Direct Communication Specialists, LLC in 1990, a practice focused on Contact Center design, operations, and optimization. Darlene’s professional background includes executive positions with The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, Donnelley Marketing, W.H. Brady Corporation, and National Data Corporation.