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Beth Morgan CPC, MCS-P
Somers, Connecticut
, 60671

Contact:  Beth Morgan CPC, MCS-P
203-856-5121 Or Toll Free

Somers, Connecticut 60671

Contact:  Beth Morgan CPC, MCS-P
Beth Morgan, President & CEO, is a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) and Compliance Specialist (MCS-P) since 2004. Over the past 20 years she has worked in several areas of the medical profession doing billing and coding for all sorts of providers. Her knowledge and expertise has enabled her to not only reduce provider’s accounts receivables but medical bills by 51%. She has access to a broad base of insurance company policy information, and is an information contributor, to radio and TV shows as well as magazine articles. Medical Bill Detectives reviews medical bills for errors and overcharges, reducing them down to Usual Reasonable and Customary charges and negotiating discounts for the uninsured and underinsured.
Medical Bill Review,  Medical Coding and Billing, 

Beth Morgan, President & CEO, is a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) and Compliance Specialist (MCS-P) since 2004. Over the past 20 years she has worked in several areas of the medical profession doing billing and coding for all sorts of providers. Her knowledge and expertise has enabled her to not only reduce provider’s accounts receivables but medical bills by 51%. She has access to a broad base of insurance company policy information, and is an information contributor, to radio and TV shows as well as magazine articles. Medical Bill Detectives reviews medical bills for errors and overcharges, reducing them down to Usual Reasonable and Customary charges and negotiating discounts for the uninsured and underinsured.